After you have completed your application online, you will receive email confirmation of your guidance meeting slot shortly after. At 快猫破解版, we interview all potential applicants and we look forward to speaking to you at your guidance meeting.
The aim of the guidance meeting is to ensure that you are committed to joining 快猫破解版, to talk through your application and to discuss your course or subject choices. It is an opportunity for us to find out a bit more about you. This stage is also an opportunity to get advice about entry requirements and what happens next.
Guidance Meetings for a place at 快猫破解版 starting in September 2024 will take place on:
By invitation only
Saturday 25th November, Tuesday 16th January and Wednesday 31st January.
This is an exciting time as you start to make plans for leaving school and moving on to college. We also understand that this process can sometimes be daunting and would like to reassure you with a Checklist and FAQs.
Guidance Meeting Checklist
What you will need:
- Your target grades (from your school) so that we can assess your suitability for the course/s you have applied for
- Any supporting information (if you have a record of achievement or any other work that you are proud of or are related to the course or subject you have applied for, then we would love to hear about this at your interview)
- Next of kin details (parent or carer name, telephone number and email)
What to expect?
- At your meeting we’d like to find out more about you. You’ll also be able to find out more about the college. Our interviewers will be friendly and reassuring.
- Your meeting will be based on the subjects or course you have applied for and the grades you are predicted to achieve. We tailor your meeting so that you receive the best information and advice possible.
- Your guidance meeting should last approximately 15 minutes.
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I expect from the Guidance Meeting?
Our guidance meetings are informal discussions between you and a college advisor. The main aim of the meeting is to make sure we have identified the right course(s) for you, so expect to speak in depth about your choices. If you are not sure what you would like to study, do not worry, we are here to help. We will also ask about your time at school, extra-curricular activities and plans for the future.
What do I do if I’m not available on my Guidance Meeting date/time?
Please email the college Admissions Team on as soon as possible to let us know if you can't make the time or date that you have been given for your meeting. As long as we know in advance, we will be able to reschedule your interview for you and this should not affect your place at the college.
Can I change my course or subjects at my Guidance Meeting?
Yes, courses and subjects can be changed at your meeting. You will need to discuss this with your interviewer so that we can update your application. If you wish to make changes after your meeting, please contact the Admissions Team via email.
What happens after my Guidance Meeting?
Provided you have a successful meeting and a satisfactory attendance record at school, you will then be offered a provisional place at the College for September 2024. Your course or subject choices will be confirmed at Enrolment once you have received your GCSE results in August 2024.
What if I miss my guidance meeting?
It is very important that you let us know in advance if possible. However, we do understand that sometimes missing your appointment is unavoidable. If you miss your guidance meeting, please email Admissions within two weeks to explain the reasons for this. If you have a genuine reason and get in contact with us before the deadline, we will be able to reschedule this for you and this will not affect your place at the college.
When will I get to visit the college?
You will be able to visit the college at our Open Day, as well as at the various events we will host throughout the year. More information about these events will be sent to you via email. You can stay up to date with the latest news and updates on our website and social media channels.
What is an XL Guidance Meeting?
Based on your target grades you may have been identified as a potential high achiever and may be eligible to join The XL Academy. The Academy is a dedicated programme of support and opportunities to further your college experience and career prospects. If you are scheduled for an XL guidance meeting, please ensure you read your email carefully as you will be required to complete a supporting personal statement.